Web3 > Web2 Auth 🔑

Why every app & website needs web3 auth, create a no-code NFT minting site in 5 minutes, how to build an NFT checkout with Stripe, and more!

Web3 Innovation: The Future of Auth is Decentralized 🔒️ 

Authentication is a fundamental building block in all modern applications, allowing users to securely interact with online platforms — but the process of logging into apps has remained mostly unchanged for the past decade, and it gives the control of users’ data to large corporations. 

Enter web3 auth: enabling users to sign into the entire web through one secure digital identity (or wallet) — rather than making separate accounts for every single website and app they interact with, reusing login details, or opting for password managers (which are also vulnerable to hacks).

Learn more about what web3 auth is, how it works under the hood, and why it opens up a whole new paradigm for digital identity in our founding engineer’s technical deep dive:

📹️ YouTube Tutorial: Create a No-Code NFT Mint Website (in under 5 minutes!)

In this video, we’ll show you how to create a no-code NFT minting website using Makeswift: a no-code, drag-and-drop Next.js site builder. We’ll take you step-by-step through:

📚️ Guide: Build a Stripe Checkout for Users to Buy NFTs with their Email Address (No Crypto or Wallet Required)

In this guide, we’ll show you how to build a seamless checkout experience for your users, enabling them to buy NFTs with just an email address — no web3 wallet or crypto required. We’ll take you step-by-step through:

  • Deploying an Edition Drop (ERC-1155) smart contract in 1 click

  • Integrating Magic.link (for email wallets) and Stripe (for payments) with your contract

  • Building a Next.js app for users to purchase NFTs from

🗓️ Events & Workshops: Ready Player 3

Build Web3 Games, Win $100k+ in Prizes | Jan 16 - Feb 13 | 3 days left to sign up!!

5 more days for you to submit your project for the Ready Player 3 Gaming Hackathon! Let us know on Discord if you need any help as you finish things up, and join us on Monday for any last-minute questions:

Weekly Office Hours | Mon, February 13 | 12pm EST / 9am PST / 5pm GMT

🔥 What’s Hot: Rentable NFTs & The ERC-4907 Standard

Have a great rest of your week shippin’! 🚢 🛠️ 

And if you’re ever looking for 32,000+ other builders to learn from & share your web3 journey with, look no further than our Discord community 🤝 

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