WTF Is Account Abstraction? 🧵

Why we need smart contract wallets for web3 adoption, how to create an Open Edition NFT drop, integrating IPFS into your web3 app, and more!

How Account Abstraction Will Change Web3 UX Forever 🔮 

One of the greatest deterrents to the mass adoption of web3 is its horrible onboarding process. For a new user to interact with the blockchain, they must: create a wallet, store their private keys, purchase & transfer funds, pay gas fees, and sign every single action that they take on a dApp. With such an intimidating user experience for newcomers, something must change.

Enter account abstraction: the next evolution in web3 wallets that unlocks the potential of “smart contract wallets.” As proposed in EIP-4337, contract wallets provide an infinitely-smoother user experience and enable powerful use cases on Ethereum. Some examples:

  • Creating wallets for your users when they sign up for your app, under the hood

  • Removing the need for users to sign every transaction within a dApp, creating a smoother UX in web3 games, social platforms, & more

  • Enabling team wallets to interact with dApps more easily, with tiered permissions

Learn more about what account abstraction is, how it works, and why it’s so important for the mass adoption of web3 in our engineer’s comprehensive guide:

📚️ Guide: How to Create an Open Edition NFT Drop

In this guide, we’ll show you how to create an Open Edition: a type of NFT drop where the total amount of NFTs available to mint is infinite — but users can only claim a specified amount per wallet address. We’ll take you step-by-step through:

  • Deploying an Edition Drop (ERC-1155) smart contract in 1 click

  • Uploading your NFT metadata & setting up claim conditions such as quantity (unlimited for open edition), wallet limits, & price

  • Allowing users to claim your NFTs in any of the following ways:

    • Directly through the thirdweb dashboard (no-code)

    • Embedding thirdweb’s pre-built minting app onto your site

    • Building your own web app with the thirdweb React SDK

📹️ YouTube Tutorial: How to Integrate IPFS into your Web3 App

In this video, we’ll show you what IPFS is, why it’s one of the most popular options for web3 storage, and how to integrate IPFS into your web3 app to let your users upload, store, & display files on it.

Ready Player 3 Gaming Hackathon: 2 weeks to go!!!

Two more weeks for you to participate in Ready Player 3: the premier web3 gaming hackathon where 460+ builders are pioneering the next generation of games! Don’t miss out — sign up here:

🔥 Web3 Innovation: Interoperable Messaging & Email Protocols Create New Web3 Use Cases

Have a great rest of your week shippin’! 🚢 🛠️ 

And if you’re ever looking for 32,000+ other builders to learn from & share your web3 journey with, look no further than our Discord community 🤝 

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