Consumer Crypto Report 2023 🔮

A 30+ page report on the growth of web3 — with insights from Optimism, Ava Labs, & more. Get the free report and mint an exclusive NFT.

2023 was a huge year for web3: A number of consumer crypto apps gained meaningful traction — leveraging onchain tech to solve real world problems.

Introducing the 2023 Consumer Crypto Report ðŸ”® 

A free 30+ page report on the growth of web3 through the lens of consumer apps & development — with insights & data from Optimism, Ava Labs, and 10+ partners on how web3 is disrupting collectibles, social media, gaming, & more.

We used a combination of public onchain data and our internal statistics to uncover the most exciting areas of growth in web3:

  • Developers are entering web3: thirdweb saw a +1,270% increase in developers deploying active smart contracts to 200+ EVM chains.

  • Layer 2s are scaling Ethereum: Smart contract deployments to Layer 2s rose by +60% from Q3 to Q4 in 2023.

  • Account abstraction is gaining adoption: Almost 2 million smart accounts were deployed in 2023, with 8.2 million user transactions.

Get the report for free & mint your exclusive 2023 Consumer Crypto NFT to celebrate an incredible year for web3: